legs breath foundation online


This class focuses on more general classical yoga postures with some introduction to cultivating the karanas in the dance of Shiva as in this video It is less advanced than

Let’s sing

Using the Indian classical raga system we will be expanding on the raga Bhimpalasi to fine tune our ear and level of consciousness through sound. http://paypal.me/natashanandiniyogini Via Zoom link. click


Bexhill yoga

This class has moved to Cooden Drive. In this class we explore ways to cultivate awareness and balance and maintain mobility in the joints. Please contact for details as spaces

legs breath foundation online

This class focuses on more general classical yoga postures with some introduction to cultivating the karanas in the dance of Shiva as in this video It is less advanced than

Let’s sing

Topic: Let's sing Time: Mar 12, 2023 19:00 London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84636897641?pwd=d0R0T0pYQzl6bFpsV2RXa3FjK1BsQT09 Meeting ID: 846 3689 7641 Passcode: 529247

We will use the Indian raga system and our own voice for the purpose of creating bliss in our hearts. It is not about how good your voice is but

legs breath foundation online


This class focuses on more general classical yoga postures with some introduction to cultivating the karanas in the dance of Shiva as in this video It is less advanced than