At A Glance

21st – 27th October Kathmandu Indian classical dance and yoga retreat.
Varanasi Spiritual journey. Dates confirmed: 7th- 14th Feb 2025

Private classes in East Sussex
Some people prefer to work on themselves at their own pace. This can be done in the comfort of your home (TN39 10 mile radius) or at my studio.

get in touch or book your first class with a first time discount of £10 making the total £60 click here to book now.

Group class
Winchelsea New Hall

This class welcomes all levels.
Tuesdays 10am – 11am
Check the calendar for more info

Classes are £12 each
Tuesdays 5-6PM Advanced Cosmic Dance of Shiva
Thursdays 10-11AM general Yoga book class

9 month dance of Shiva course, online.
This course is for the experienced practitioner it runs once a month. It includes an exploration of philosophical material from texts such as Kshemaraja’s Shiva Sutrani, Natya Shastra attributed to Bharata, and Hathatattvakaumudi, to name a few. The rest of the time is spent learning the movements as expressed in the video Into The Light. You will learn how to cultivate the mind and the body to gain access to each karana and then how to string them together. Get in touch to express your interest.

NOTE: This course is currently coming to an end. Get in touch for the next batch