Nada Yoga

The use of sound to elevate, relax and improve the body and mind can be traced back to the oldest sacred texts, the Vedas, c.1900BC. Recitation of the Vedas was a science. Sound, rhythm and precise placement of limbs generated an elevation of  the reciter’s quality of being to a new dimension of experience. It was believed that while the reciter was to benefit the most from this practise, the participating audience would also profit, thereby extending to the welfare of the rest of the world. The Yajnavalkya Siksa (a Vedic manual) states that sound is a nutrient. Through the listening faculty, it touches the five senses, and penetrates the tissues. It affects the circulation of blood, the metabolism, the nervous system, and changes ones mood. To make use of the subtle impact of sound on the human body these courses use singing to prepare and warm up the system.

Sangeet is a term used to  define vocal music, instrumental music and dance. In India these art forms, when true to tradition, are seen as a method whereby the participant may ascend the physical level of hearing/vision to a different dimension of experience and communicate with higher realms. An attitude of devotion and surrender within the practises cultivates the experience  of heightened awareness.

Click here to download the song on iTunes and Apple Music:
Click here to watch the video.

Visit the events page for classes.

Take a look at sound in action here to see why singing is considered a powerful tool for self cultivation.