
Download the hanumāna cālīsā with diacritics to understand how to correctly pronounce and recite in the original meter. Click free purchase below. Scroll down for other free texts.

This is a short, guided meditation inspired by a verse in the treatise called “hatharatnavali” which you can locate via the Lonavla Institute. Try it anywhere quiet. You don’t have to sit in padmasana, any position where you can sit motionless and undisturbed. I hope it augments your state of mind 🙂
Image is held at Delhi Museum.

My personal encounter of an enchanted city.

The lyrics of the composition in the above piece comprise of the names of the dance positions which are  listed in the Natya Shastra for the cultivation of the self (as opposed to performance). Strung together they are called angahara.

Click  here to download the song for 0.99p.

Yoga and the First Three Chakras by Natasha Nandini

article on the angahara

Learn about raga and the intricacies of how to blend them in this interview I took of my guruji when I was in Varanasi earlier this year.

Click here to listen to my Guru Vandana in Raag Jog

Ode to Saraswati in Raag Jhinjhoti

This is a text I translated some years back. It is a deep insight into the techniques of yoga by the Nath Yogi Gorakhshanath. It is by no means finished as you can tell by the question marks in the text. Click on checkout to download for free and send feedback if you have any, especially if you notice any mistakes, I will be very grateful

(please check your junk folder)

For budding yogis Tirumulai Krishnamacharya is a must read. He has been referred to as the ‘father of modern yoga’ and was the teacher of B.K.S. Iyengar, Indra Devi, K. Pattabhi Jois, T.K.V. Desikachar, amongst others. He was also an Ayurvedic healer and a scholar. The two PDFs below are readily available on the net.

Krishnamacarya’s Yoga Makaranada download here for free.

The PDF had been made available some years back but I now see its available on amazon:

Krishnamacarya’s Yogasanagalu download for free.


Published in elephant journal, an article I wrote about my personal insight into yoga cults.

Photo credits: Natasha Nandini, Kirsti AbernethyRuth Curtis